PEID's Celebration of Collaboration

On Wednesday, May 18, 2022, the Parramore Education & Innovation District celebrated three years of collaboration working toward the shared vision that everyone in Parramore will have the opportunity to earn a post-secondary credential.

Network partners gathered at the Dr. Phillips Academic Commons on the UCF/Valencia Downtown campus to enjoy a gallery walk presenting nearly 15 diverse initiatives that took place across the education ecosystem. Guests enjoyed light food, music, and networking prior to the formal program presentation.

Dr. Theodorea Berry welcomed the group with opening remarks before the audience heard from PEID partners, including: Dr. Patricia Reda, Parramore Kidz Zone; Libby S. and Siraj C., SyMap Youth Participants; Sherry Paramore, recent past Executive Director of Elevate; Mindy Mozena, UCF Downtown Scholars Initiative; and Crystal Hamilton, GoMoms program. Dr. DeShawn Chapman and Dr. Katie Philp, the PEID Backbone Team, also shared reflections on the growing PEID network and plans for the future.

The PEID Working Committees will pause for the summer months and information will be shared in August regarding project reconvening in the fall. The PEID team would like to thank our partners for three amazing years of working towards improved educational success for learners in Parramore.

Have an amazing summer!


PEID's STEM Discovery Day


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